Low leverage tasks are things that you do manually that a computer or someone else could do for you.
Instead, do high leverage tasks to:
reduce friction
fill value gaps
High Leverage Tasks
A high leverage task is creating a system that offloads the responsibility of doing time-consuming low leverage tasks.
Reducing Friction
When you commit to doing tedious, low-leverage tasks, like manually filling out a spreadsheet or doing something over-and-over that isn’t producing any results, you are adding more friction in your life.
What is friction?
Friction is any unnecessary difficulty caused by lack of simplicity or clarity within a process. Its why you get angry when you’re trying to write and you have writer’s block. Friction.
Filling Value Gaps
When you avoid doing low leverage tasks it become easier to fill the value gap.
What is a value gap?
A lack of something is a value gap. Something is missing.
Have you ever noticed that something could be faster, cheaper, or simply better? You were in “value gap filling mode”.
Doing low-leverage tasks is like trying to fill your chosen value gap one cup at a time, but its impossible to fill in the next 100 years.
Final Thoughts
After I graduated high school it felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. A lot of friction in my life was gone.
Next, new friction arose and I realized its because the next step in my life, getting a career, was still unknown. I weighed my options and skipped college.
Then, I joined a college alternative called Praxis.
After succeeding in Praxis and finding a position in sales, I noticed I had a lot of unmet interests outside of work. Blogging allowed me to meet those interests.
Finding clarity in life, involves trying a new approach, experimenting, reducing friction, and carving out a promising, but new trajectory.
My unknown path became a better path.